lørdag 26. september 2009

Reading Journal

Title: Holes
Author: Louis Sachar
Genre: Adventure, Satire
Publication date: 20 August, 1998
Publisher: Bloomsbury
Rating: 3/5
I have read the handout (21 pages)

Vocabulary words:
perseverance: steady persistence in a course of action, a purpose, a state, etc.,in spite of difficulties, obstacles, or discouragement.
neglected: to pay no attention or too little attention to; disregard or slight.

3.What is the setting? When? Where? How important is the setting to the story? What effect doe it have?
The setting is in Camp Green Lake. Camp Green Lake is in Texas. Its very important to the story. It is described in a sad way, where nobody wants to go. Stanley Yelnat
got the choice of being sent to jail or go to Camp Green Lake. He chose Camp Green Lake. At Camp Green Lake the conditions were terrible. He and some other kids had to dig a hole every day.

tirsdag 15. september 2009

reading journal

Title: The Man Who Married Himself
Author: Charlie Fish
Added to website: May 2000
Genre: Short Story(humor)
Rating: 4/5
I have read the whole story (4 pages)
Vocabulary words:
Spouse: a married partner, husband or wife
Excruciating: causing great pain or anguish
2. Who is the narrator? What do you find out about him or her?
The narrator is the person getting married to himself. We find out that he want to marry himself. He says that according to the bible it is aloud, so he makes a wedding. After he have been married he wants a divorce, and he finds out that the only way out, is to cheat on himself and sleeping with another. So he gets divorced and waits for the media to lose interest of his story. At the end he finds a real wife and lives happily ever after.

lørdag 5. september 2009

Reading Journal

Title: The Star Author: Esther Claes Source: www.eastoftheweb.com Rating: 4 (out of 5)

I have read the whole story. It's about 2 pages.

Vocabulary words:
Solemnly: seriously, deeply earnest, sober
Fragrance: This word is used as a noun to talk about a particular smell that we notice or smell.

Web link: http://www.eastoftheweb.com/short-stories/UBooks/Star717.shtml

Comment on the opening. How effective? How does it try to hook you? What is introduced?

The opening was very effective. It's straightforward, like it should be in a short story. Already in the first sentences we get to know that the world is at its end, and how they reacted. That's really hook's you. We get introduced to a rich, snobby pop star that's realizing that U.S.A is at war and that there are diseases and radiation poisoning spreading all over the country.