tirsdag 15. september 2009

reading journal

Title: The Man Who Married Himself
Author: Charlie Fish
Added to website: May 2000
Genre: Short Story(humor)
Rating: 4/5
I have read the whole story (4 pages)
Vocabulary words:
Spouse: a married partner, husband or wife
Excruciating: causing great pain or anguish
2. Who is the narrator? What do you find out about him or her?
The narrator is the person getting married to himself. We find out that he want to marry himself. He says that according to the bible it is aloud, so he makes a wedding. After he have been married he wants a divorce, and he finds out that the only way out, is to cheat on himself and sleeping with another. So he gets divorced and waits for the media to lose interest of his story. At the end he finds a real wife and lives happily ever after.

1 kommentar:

  1. Fredrik,
    I thought the title for this one was very amusing. It would make me want to read the story that's for sure. Sounds pretty crazy but amusing.
    Good work =)
    Mrs Farrer
